SOD CV/ML Library 1.1.8 Released

The PixLab development team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of the 1.1.8 release of our Embedded Computer Vision & Machine Learning library SOD.

SOD Face detection

SOD is an embedded, modern, cross-platform, computer vision and machine learning C/C++ library that expose a set of APIs for deep-learning, advanced media analysis & processing including real-time, multi-class object detection and model training on embedded systems with limited computational resource and IoT devices. At PixLab, we believe SOD is:

  • Suitable for deep learning on limited computational resource, embedded systems and IoT devices.
  • Easy to integrate with existing code bases. Interpolatable with OpenCV and/or any other proprietary API.

SOD is shipped with a real-time face detection & tracking model (download link) that has been ported to Unity, Unreal Engine and WebAssembly.

Finally, you can find out more information about the SOD project via the following links:

Real-Time ASCII Art Rendering Library Released

The PixLab engineering team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of the Real-Time ASCII Art C/C++ Rendering Library.

ASCII Art is a single file C/C++ library that let you transform an input image or video frame into printable ASCII characters at real-time using a single decision tree. Real-time performance is achieved by using pixel intensity comparison inside internal nodes of the tree.

  1. For a general overview on how the algorithm works, please visit the demonstration page at
  2. The Github Repository at
  3. The ASCII Art API at
