Resolving Liveness Detection with FACEIO's Advanced AI Models

Liveness detection is a critical component in biometric security systems, ensuring that the face being scanned is from a live person rather than a photograph, video, or mask. FACEIO, a leader in facial authentication technology, addresses these challenges with its advanced AI models. This blog post explores how FACEIO resolves liveness detection issues, leveraging sophisticated algorithms and security practices.

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What is Liveness Detection?

Liveness detection is a security feature used in facial recognition systems to verify that the scanned face is from a live individual. It prevents spoofing attacks by detecting natural facial movements and responses. Various techniques employed in liveness detection include:

  • Motion Analysis: Detects natural movements such as blinking and head movements.
  • Texture Analysis: Differentiates between the texture of live skin and that of a photograph or screen.
  • Challenge-Response: Prompts the user to perform actions like blinking or smiling to prove liveness.

Implementing Liveness Detection with FACEIO

FACEIO provides an easy-to-integrate solution for facial authentication with built-in liveness detection. Here is a step-by-step guide to activate liveness detection on your FACEIO Application:

  1. Setting Up FACEIO:

  2. Integrating FACEIO SDK:

  3. Initializing FACEIO:

  4. Implementing Liveness Detection:

    • Activate Face Anti-Spoofing first by connecting to the FACEIO Console, then Navigate to the SECURITY tab from the manager main view. Once the target application selected. Activate the Protect Against Deep-Fakes & Face Spoof Attempts security option as shown below:

      async function performLivenessCheck() {
       try {
           const response = await faceio.authenticate({ action: "liveness-check" });
           if (response.livenessScore > 0.9) {
               console.log("User authenticated successfully");
           } else {
               console.warn("Liveness check failed");
       } catch (error) {
           console.error("Liveness check failed", error);

Advanced Security Features of FACEIO

FACEIO's commitment to security extends beyond basic liveness detection. Here are some of the advanced features that enhance its security:

  • Multifactor Authentication (MFA): Combine facial recognition with other authentication methods for added security.
  • Customizable User Prompts: Tailor instructions and prompts shown to users during the liveness check.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Access detailed reports on authentication attempts to monitor and improve system performance.

Best Practices for Secure Implementation

FACEIO provides several security best practices to ensure robust protection against spoofing and other security threats:

  • Reject Weak PIN Codes: Ensure users create strong PIN codes during enrollment.
  • Prevent Duplicate Enrollment: Avoid multiple enrollments by the same user.
  • Protect Against Deepfakes: Use liveness detection to counteract spoofing attempts.
  • Forbid Minors: Prevent minors from enrolling in the application.
  • Always Ask for PIN Code: Require PIN code confirmation during authentication for added security.
  • Enforce PIN Code Uniqueness: Ensure each user's PIN code is unique.
  • Ignore Obscured Faces: Reject partially masked or poorly lit faces.
  • Reject Missing HTTP Headers: Prevent requests without proper origin or referer headers.
  • Restrict Domain and Country: Limit widget instantiation to specific domains and countries.
  • Enable Webhooks: Use webhooks for real-time updates on user interactions.


Integrating FACEIO for liveness detection and facial authentication in JavaScript significantly enhances digital security. Its robust API and user-friendly JavaScript library make it easy for developers to implement biometric authentication, preventing spoofing and unauthorized access. FACEIO's advanced features and best practices ensure both security and user experience are prioritized, making it a valuable addition to any web application's defense against modern threats.

For more information, visit the FACEIO website.

Published in: Level Up Coding

PixLab’s New Single Shot Livesness, Face Anti-Spoof & Deep-Fake Detector Model: Revolutionizing Face Authentication

What is Livesness Detection and Face Anti-Spoofing?

  • Livesness detection introduced in late 2023 and already integrated and available to FACEIO customers, also known as face anti-spoofing, is a security feature that ensures that the person being authenticated is a living human being and not a photo, video, or mask.
  • This feature is crucial in preventing unauthorized access to sensitive information and systems.
  • However, livesness detection can be challenging to implement, as it imposes severe restrictions during authentication.
    • For example, users are not allowed to have a smartphone, laptop, or LCD screen behind them during the authentication process.
    • If any of these devices are detected, the authentication process is aborted, and an PAD_ATTACK error code is raised instead.

Example of Spoof ATTACKS deterred by our ML new model Livesness Detection Example

PixLab's New Single Shot Liveness, Face Anti-Spoof & Deep-Fake Detector Model To the Rescue

  • PixLab, a leading provider of AI-powered face authentication & Age Verification solutions, has recently released a new single shot livesness, face anti-spoofing, and deep-fake detector model for FACEIO.
  • This innovative model is designed to provide enhanced security and accuracy in face authentication, making it an essential tool for businesses and individuals alike.
    • One of the key features of this model is its ability to detect faces in a single shot, without requiring multiple images or video frames.
    • This makes the authentication process faster and more convenient for users, while still maintaining a high level of security.
    • In addition, this model is highly accurate and can detect even the most sophisticated face spoofing attacks, including those that use 3D masks and other advanced techniques.
    • This makes it an ideal solution for businesses and organizations that require a high level of security and accuracy in their face authentication systems. Customers are already invited to try out the new face Anti-Spoofing model directly within the FACEIO Widget!


  • PixLab's new single shot livesness, face anti-spoofing, and deep-fake detector model is a game-changer in the world of face authentication.
  • With its advanced AI algorithms and highly accurate detection capabilities, this model provides enhanced security and convenience for users, while still maintaining a high level of accuracy and reliability.
  • As the use of face recognition technology continues to grow, it is essential to have advanced solutions like PixLab's new model to ensure the security and privacy of our personal information.
  • Whether you are a business owner or an individual user, this model is an essential tool for anyone who values security and convenience in their face authentication systems.

Livesness Detection & Face Anti-Spoofing Security Feature Available for FACEIO

The FACEIO development team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of our Liveness Detection, Presentation Attacks Mitigation (PAD) & Face Anti-Spoofing Security Option. A highly requested feature by our customers that is now deployed & fully operational on FACEIO thanks to a PixLab implementation.

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Liveness detection in biometrics is the ability for a system to detect if the target face is real from a live person present at the point of capture or fake from a spoof artifact or lifeless body part.

Face Anti-Spoofing on the other side, is the task of preventing false facial authentication when implementing fio.js, our facial recognition library on your web site or application using a smartphone picture, or printed image for an authorized person's face.

Face Anti-Spoofing Security Option

Presentation Attacks Mitigation

With this security option enabled, Smartphone & Print Attacks originating from a static image or video stream are easily deterred during Authentication & Enrollment when enabled for your FACEIO application.

The Face Anti-Spoofing Security Option is immediately available to trigger from the Application Manager (Security Tab) on the FACEIO Console.

Press Release & Model Roadmap

Our Press Release document including a general overview of the approach used to implement Face Anti-Spoofing for FACEIO is available to consult at:

This implementation & further model enhancements, are pushed transparently, and no action or code changes are required on your side. Just an option to trigger from the Application Manager on the FACEIO CONSOLE.

Implementation Overview

Once a new user enroll or authenticate on your application, the Face Anti-Spoof engine shall be triggered to filter out spoof & presentation attacks. Upon an attack is detected, the fioErrCode.PAD_ATTACK error code is raised, and you should act accordingly such as banning the acting user depending on your policy.

Please note that Face Anti-Spoofing mitigation is a resource intensive operation, therefore it is available starting from the Business Plan, and up. Nevertheless, it takes less than 600 milliseconds to execute thanks to a heavily optimized implementation.