fio.js V1.9 Released with Face Duplication Prevention


The PixLab development team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of FACEIO's fio.js V 1.9. A major release which implements highly requested features from our customers including but not limited to:

  • Face Duplication (same user enrolling twice or more) Prevention.
  • Dynamic Session Reloading without Page Refreshing.
  • Faster facial features collection during enrollment.
  • Upto 1.3x faster facial authentication operation.
  • French, Japanese, Vietnamese & Dutch new language packs.

As usual, this update is transparent to our end users & fio.js implementers, and no action is required on your side if you link directly the library from the FACEIO CDN.

Face Duplication Prevention:

Face Duplication Prevention

When enabled, this option shall prevent the same user from enrolling twice or more on your application. That is, if the facial features of the user being enrolled are already recorded, the enroll operation is aborted, and the fioErrCode.FACE_DUPLICATION error code is raised to your host application instead. This option is immediately available to trigger from the FACEIO Console. Please refer to the updated boilerplate code to see this feature in action.

When this option is disabled (default case), it is considered, a no-error operation for the same user to enroll twice or more on your application. This will trigger a collision, and ask the user to confirm his PIN code whenever an authentication operation occurs with the user in question.

Session Reloading without Page Refreshing:

The introduced restartSession() method let you purge the current user session and request a new one. By default, sessions in FACEIO starts following the first call to the enroll() or authenticate() method whichever comes first, and are immutable. After successful call to this method, the old session is discarded, a new one is created, and you can perform another round of calls to enroll() or authenticate() for the same user without reloading (refreshing) the entire HTML page or relying on an external JavaScript function such as location.reload() to do so.

Please note that dynamic session generation via this method are available to the Premium Plans only. Think of upgrading your Freemium application from the FACEIO Console first before calling this method on your frontend

Finally, for additional information & to learn more about implementing FACEIO on your website or web application, please refer to the following documents:

  • Getting Started Tutorial: Learn the fundamentals about implementing facial authentication on a typical web application.
  • Integration Guide: Learn how to implement fio.js, our facial recognition library on your website.
  • Developer Center: Code samples, documentation, support channels, and all the resources yo need to implement FACEIO on your website.
  • Frequently Asked Questions: Get instant answers to the most common questions.
  • Trust Center: Learn how we handle your data securely and in compliance with privacy and legal requirements.

Press Release & New Languages Pack for FaceIO

We are pleased to share our Press Release launch document, as well as, new enhancement introduced to FaceIO, our Web based facial Recognition framework for Websites & Web applications with a set of new languages pack for a more than friendly user experience (UX).

New FaceIO language pack

Since its launch two months ago, FaceIO have been proven to be a rock solid product, with a slick & easy integration regardless of the underlying JavaScript framework whether it is React.js, Next.js, Vue.js, Angular or even Vanilla JavaScript. As of this announcement, Over 10K FaceIO Applications has been deployed, easing users authentication thanks to a passwordless experience powered by face recognition.

Available Language Pack

  • English (en Default, fallback language)
  • German (de)
  • Portuguese (pt)
  • Spanish (es)
  • Dutch (nl)
  • Japanese (ja)
  • French (fr)
  • Vietnamese (vi)
  • Indonesian (id)
  • Malay (ms)
  • Turkish (tr)

Upcoming Language Pack

  • Korean (kr)
  • Arabic (ar)
  • Italian (it)
  • Simplified Chinese (cz)
  • Polish (pl)
  • Russian (ru)
  • Czech (cs)

FaceIO Launch Press Release

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Community Articles & Tutorials

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It’s super quick to implement FaceIO, and get it up & running on your website or web application. The following tutorials, and guides should help you roll facial recognition to your web users in a straightforward manner: