Full Scan Support for United Arab Emirates (UAE) ID/Residence Cards

The PixLab Document Scanner, development team is pleased to announce that is now fully support scanning Emirates (UAE) ID & Residence Cards via the /DOCSCAN API endpoint at real-time using your favorite programming language.

When invoked, the /DOCSCAN HTTP API endpoint shall Extract (crop) any detected face and transform the raw UAE ID/Residence Card content such as holder name, nationality, ID number, etc. into a JSON object ready to be consumed by your app.

Below, a typical output result of the /DOCSCAN API endpoint for an Emiratis (UAE) ID card input sample:

Input Emirates (UAE) ID Card

UAE ID card specimen

Extracted UAE ID Card Fields

UAE extracted fields

The code samples used to achieve such result are available to consult via the following gists:

The same logic applies to scanning official travel documents like Visas, Passports, and ID Cards from many others countries in an unified manner, regardless of the underlying programming language used on your backend (Python, PHP, Ruby, JS, etc.) thanks to the DOCSCAN API endpoint as shown in previous blog posts:

Algorithm Details

Internally, PixLab's document scanner engine is based on PP-OCR which is a practical ultra-lightweight OCR system, mainly composed of three parts: DB text detection, detection frame correction, and CRNN text recognition. DB stands for Real-time Scene Text Detection.

PP-OCR: A Practical Ultra Lightweight OCR System - Algorithm Overview

PP-OCR Algorithm Overview

The system adopts 19 effective strategies from 8 aspects including backbone network selection and adjustment, prediction head design, data augmentation, learning rate transformation strategy, regularization parameter selection, pre-training model use, and automatic model tailoring and quantization to optimize and slim down the models of each module.

In PP-OCR, Differentiable Binarization (DB) is used as text detector which is based on a simple segmentation network. It integrates feature extraction and sequence modeling. It adopts the Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) loss to avoid the inconsistency between prediction and label.

The algorithm is further optimized in five aspect where the detection model adopts the CML (Collaborative Mutual Learning) knowledge distillation strategy and CopyPaste data expansion strategy. The recognition model adopts the LCNet lightweight backbone network, U-DML knowledge distillation strategy and enhanced CTC loss function improvement, which further improves the inference speed and prediction effect.

Passports, Travel Documents & ID Cards Scan API Endpoint Available

The PixLab OCR team is pleased to introduce the /docscan API endpoint which let you in a single call scan government issued documents such as Passports, Visas or ID Cards from various countries.

Besides its accurate text scanning capabilities, the /docscan API endpoint shall automatically extract any detected face and transform binary data such as Passport Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) into stream of text payload (i.e. full name, issuing country, document number, date of expiry, etc.) ready to be consumed by your app in the JSON format.

Below, a typical output result of the /docscan endpoint for a passport input image:

Input Passport Specimen (JPEG/PNG/BMP Image)

Input Image URL

Extracted MRZ Fields

MRZ Fields

The code samples used to achieve such result are available to consult via the following Github links:

Face extraction is automatically performed using the /facedetect API endpoint. For a general purpose Optical Character Recognition engine, you should rely on the /OCR endpoint instead. If you are dealing with PDF documents, you can convert them at first to raw images via the /pdftoimg endpoint.

Below, a typical Python code snippet for scanning passports:

import requests
import json

# Given a government issued passport document, extract the user face and parse all MRZ fields.
# PixLab recommend that you connect your AWS S3 bucket via your dashboard at https://pixlab.io/dashboard
# so that any cropped face or MRZ crop is stored automatically on your S3 bucket rather than the PixLab one.
# This feature should give you full control over your analyzed media files.
# https://pixlab.io/#/cmd?id=docscan for additional information.

req = requests.get('https://api.pixlab.io/docscan',params={
    'img':'https://i.stack.imgur.com/oJY2K.png', # Passport sample
    'type':'passport', # Type of document we are a going to scan
reply = req.json()
if reply['status'] != 200:
    print (reply['error'])
    print ("User Cropped Face: " + reply['face_url'])
    print ("MRZ Cropped Image: " + reply['mrz_img_url'])
    print ("Raw MRZ Text: " + reply['mrz_raw_text'])
    print ("MRZ Fields: ")
    # Display all parsed MRZ fields
    print ("\tIssuing Country: " + reply['fields']['issuingCountry'])
    print ("\tFull Name: "       + reply['fields']['fullName'])
    print ("\tDocument Number: " + reply['fields']['documentNumber'])
    print ("\tCheck Digit: "   + reply['fields']['checkDigit'])
    print ("\tNationality: "   + reply['fields']['nationality'])
    print ("\tDate Of Birth: " + reply['fields']['dateOfBirth'])
    print ("\tSex: "           + reply['fields']['sex'])
    print ("\tDate Of Expiry: "    + reply['fields']['dateOfExpiry'])
    print ("\tPersonal Number: "   + reply['fields']['personalNumber'])
    print ("\tFinal Check Digit: " + reply['fields']['finalcheckDigit'])

Finally, the official endpoint documentation is available to consult at pixlab.io/cmd?id=docscan and a set of working samples in various programming language are available at the PixLab samples pages.