Mimic Snapchat Filters Programmatically

Since you probably own a smartphone these days, you may have noticed someone from your entourage popping up on the social networks with a flower crown or some dog stuff on his head. This effect is produced by the Snapchat app, is named filters and every competitor of the app is copying that nowadays.

Why? Personally, I don't know and honestly found those filters ridiculous but quite interesting if regarded as a computer vision & programming challenge. In this blog post, we'll try to desiccate and answer some questions about them: How they are actually made? what software libraries are needed to mimic their behavior? and finally, we'll implement some famous filters using Python or whatever language that support HTTP requests with the help of the PixLab API (More on this later).

With no further ado, let's dig a little bit onto this Snapchat output (In fact, it is made by our program that we'll implement below):

1957 Elia Kazan film “A Face in the Crowd.” Photo courtesy of Warner Bros. snap filters

To produce such effect, two phases are actually needed: Analysis & Processing.

Computer Vision to the rescue

The analysis phase is always the first pass and is the most complicated. It require some computer vision algorithms running under the hood and performing the following tasks:

Face detection

Given an input image or video frame, find out all present human faces and output their bounding box (i.e. The rectangle coordinates in the form: X, Y, Width & Height).

Face detection has been a solved problem since the early 2000s but faces some challenges including detecting tiny, partial & non-frontal faces. The most widely used technique is a combination of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG for short) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) that achieve mediocre to relatively good detection ratios given a good quality image but this method is not capable of real-time detection at least on the CPU.

Here is how the HOG/SVM detector works:

Given an input image, compute the pyramidal representation of that image which is a pyramid of multi scaled (maybe Gaussian) downed version of the original image. For each entry on the pyramid, a sliding window approach is used. The sliding window concept is quite simple. By looping over an image with a constant step size, small image patches typically of size 64 x 128 pixels are extracted at different scales. For each patch, the algorithm makes a decision if it contains a face or not. The HOG is computed for the current window and passed to the SVM classifier (Linear or not) for the decision to take place (i.e. Face or not). When done with the pyramid, a non-maxima suppression (NMS for short) operation usually take place in order to discard stacked rectangles. You can read more about the HOG/SVM combination here.

At Symisc we'll be soon launching a general purpose embedded object detection framework (including face detection) that achieve real-time performance on the CPU using a combination of random-forest and neural networks: https://github.com/symisc.

Facial Landmarks

This is the next step in our analysis phase and works as follows:

For each detected face, output the local region coordinates for each member or facial feature of that face. This includes the eyes, bone, lips, nose, mouth,... coordinates usually in the form of points (X,Y).

Extracting facial landmarks is a relatively cheap operation for the CPU given a bounding box (i.e. Cropped image with the target face), but quite difficult to implement for the programmer unless some not-so-fast machine learning techniques such as training & running a classifier is used.

You can find out more about extracting facial landmarks here or this PDF: One millisecond face alignment with an ensemble of regression trees (It's a scientific paper, you have been warned!).

facial landmarks

In some and obviously useful cases, face detection and landmarks extraction are combined into a single operation.

Dlib achieve that (Nope, in fact Dlib require face detection to take place at first and shape extraction next so it's a two step operation).
PixLab achieve that in a single call via the facelandmarks API endpoint that we will be using later.

We move now to the next part of our quest for the best snap: The processing phase.

snap flower

Image & Video Processing

Once we have the facial landmarks, 70% of the work is done, all we have to do right now is to superpose the target filter such as the flower crown, dog nose, etc. on top of the desired region of the face like the bone for the flower crown case. This operation is named compositing. That is, combine multiple visual elements from separate sources into a single image.

For the sake of simplicity, we'll stick with image processing only. Video processing is similar in concept but require some additional steps such as extracting each frame using a decoder (i.e. FFmpeg or CvCapture from OpenCV) and treating that frame exactly like you would do with an image.

Now that we understand how those filters are created, it's time to start producing a few ones using some code in the next section!

Finding the Best Software Library

Since there is a huge gap between theory and practice, finding a software library whether open source or not that is capable of detecting faces, extracting their landmarks with video and image processing capability and above all embeddable in your app is not an easy task.

In fact, no software library is capable of doing that not even the popular OpenCV library that you may think of at first. OpenCV have no landmarks extraction capability, a mediocre face detector and weighs a ton but built with very good video & image processing capability I must say.

Your best bet if you are looking for an embedded solution is mixing Dlib with the MagickWand C library from the ImageMagick project, but compiling and setting up these two in your app require another blog post book (One is written in C++11, the other plain C, so...).
Stasm is relatively good at facial features extraction but require a third-party library for face detection.
CLM-framework is also capable of facial landmarks extraction but again no face detector built-in.
GPUImage is a library of choice for simple image & video processing but appears to be iOS exclusive.
libccv seems also a potential candidate. It is shipped with a face detector without landmarks extractor though, few image manipulation routines (didn't find the composite routine) but it has not been updated since at least two years.

Note that we are talking about an embedded solution here and so we have explicitly omitted the nice Python libraries of NumPY or SciKit unless your are embedding the python interpreter in your own app!?

Restful APIs come to the rescue

Fortunately for the app builder, producing those filters is quite easy if some cloud vision service is used instead of building & compiling your own. All you need to do is to make a simple HTTP request to the target service for the analysis phase to take place on behalf of you. The notable cloud providers are:

The former two (Microsoft & Google) offers machine vision only. In others words, you'll be able to detect faces, extract their shapes using state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms but, it is up to you to perform the processing phase. That is, composite the flower crown or whatever filter using your own image processing library.

PixLab on the other side offer both computer vision & media processing as a single set of unified Restful APIs.

What is PixLab?

As said, PixLab is a machine learning SaaS platform with a set of unified Restful APIs for all your media analysis & processing tasks. It is shipped with over 130 commands (API endpoints) including:

  1. Face detection, recognition, emotion, generation, lookup, landmarks.
  2. Content Moderation & Extraction: nsfw, sfw, urlcapture, header, ocr, tagimg.
  3. Pixel Generation including human faces and landscapes.
  4. Image processing: blur, composite, negate, grayscale, oilpaint, etc.
  5. The ability to train your own object detector.
  6. Media encryption & decryption.

You are invited to take a look at the Github sample page to see the possible transformations you can achieve on your input media such as content filtering, blurring/cropping human faces, image to speech, meme generation and many more.

PixLab is being developed by a small team of engineers and data scientist distributed around the globe under the leadership of Symisc Systems. The service was launched earlier on June 2017. It took us 10 months of tedious work to ship the first stable version of the product and we really hope that you find it useful.

Enough talking, let's start programming our filters...

Programming Our First Filter

Given an input image with some pretty faces:

input picture

and this flower crown:

flower crown

located at pixlab.xyz/images/flower_crown.png

Output something like this:

out snap 1

Using this code:

import requests
import json

# Detect all human faces & extract their facial landmarks via `facelandmarks`.
# Once done, mimic the famous Snapchat flower crown filter.
# Only three commands are actually needed in order to mimic the Snapchat filters:
# face landmarks:         https://pixlab.io/cmd?id=facelandmarks
# smart resize:           https://pixlab.io/cmd?id=smartresize
# merge:                  https://pixlab.io/cmd?id=merge
# Optionally: blur, grayscale, drawtext, oilpaint, etc. for cool background effects.

# The following is target image that we'll superpose our filter on top of it.
# This image must contain at least one face. free free to change the link to whatever your want.
# Note that you can upload your own images from your app very easily. Refer to the docs for additional info.
img = 'https://ak6.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/10819841/thumb/8.jpg'

# The flower crown to be composited on top of the target face
flower_crown = 'http://pixlab.xyz/images/flower_crown.png'

# Your PixLab API key
key = 'Your_PixLab_Key'

# This list contain all the coordinates of the regions where the flower crown should be
# Composited on top of the target face later using the `merge` command.
coordinates = []

# First off, call `facelandmarks` and extract all present faces plus their landmarks.
print ("Detecting and extracting facial landmarks..")
req = requests.get('https://api.pixlab.io/facelandmarks',params={
    'img': img,
    'key': key,
reply = req.json()
if reply['status'] != 200:
    print (reply['error'])

total = len(reply['faces']) # Total detected faces
if total < 1:
    # No faces were detected
    print ("No faces were detected..exiting")

print(str(total)+" faces were detected")

# Iterate all over the detected faces and make our flower crown filter..
for face in reply['faces']:
    cord = face['rectangle']
    # Show the face coordinates 
    print ("Coordinates...")
    print ('twidth: ' + str(cord['width']) + ' height: ' + str(cord['height']) + ' x: ' + str(cord['left']) +' y: ' + str(cord['top']))
    # Show landmarks:
    print ("Landmarks...")
    landmarks = face['landmarks']
    print ("tBone Center: X: "     + str(landmarks['bone']['center']['x'])     + ", Y: "+str(landmarks['bone']['center']['y']))
    print ("tBone Outer Left: X: " + str(landmarks['bone']['outer_left']['x']) + ", Y: "+str(landmarks['bone']['outer_left']['y']))
    print ("tBone Outer Right: X: "+ str(landmarks['bone']['outer_right']['x'])+ ", Y: "+str(landmarks['bone']['outer_right']['y']))
    # More landmarks on the docs..Let's make our flower crown filter now
    # Resize the flower crown which is quite big right now to exactly the face width using smart resize.
    print ("Resizing the snap flower crown...")
    req = requests.get('https://api.pixlab.io/smartresize',params={
        'width': 20 + cord['width'], # Face width
        'height':0 # Let Pixlab decide the best height for this picture
    reply = req.json()
    if reply['status'] != 200:
        print (reply['error'])
        fit_crown = reply['link']
               # Composite the flower crown at the bone center region
           'img': fit_crown, # The resized crown flower
           'x': landmarks['bone']['center']['x'],
           'y': landmarks['bone']['center']['y'] - 10,
           'center':   True,
           'center_y': True

# Finally, Perform the composite operation
print ("Composite operation...")
req = requests.post('https://api.pixlab.io/merge',
        'src':img, # The target image.
        'cord': coordinates # The coordinates list filled earlier with the resized images (i.e. The flower crown & the dog parts) and regions of interest 
reply = req.json()
if reply['status'] != 200:
    print (reply['error'])
    # Optionally call blur, oilpaint, grayscale, meme for cool background effects..
    print ("Snap Filter Effect: "+ reply['link'])

snapchat_flower_crown_filter.py on Github. PHP/JS code available here.

The program output when run should look like:

Detecting and extracting facial landmarks..
4 faces were detected
        width: 223 height: 223 x: 376 y: 112
        Nose: X: 479.3, Y: 244.2
        Bottom Lip: X: 481.7, Y: 275.3
        Top Lip: X: 481.6, Y: 267.1
        Chin: X: 486.7, Y: 327.3
        Bone Center: X: 490, Y: 125
        Bone Outer Left: X: 356, Y: 72
        Bone Outer Right: X: 564, Y: 72
        Bone Center: X: 490, Y: 125
        Eye Pupil Left: X: 437.1, Y: 177.3
        Eye Pupil Right: X: 543.7, Y: 173.3
        Eye Left Brown Inner: X: 458.2, Y: 161.1
        Eye Right Brown Inner: X: 504.9, Y: 156.1
        Eye Left Outer: X: 417.5, Y: 180.9
        Eye Right Outer: X: 559.4, Y: 175.6
Resizing the snap flower crown...
Composite operation...


Snap Filter Effect: https://pixlab.xyz/24p596187b0b1b68.jpg

If this is the first time you see the PixLab API in action, your are invited to read the excellent introduction to the API in 5 minutes or less.

To mimic such behavior, only three commands (API endpoints) were actually needed to produce such a filter:

  1. facelandmarks is the analysis command we called first on line 29 of the python gist. As said earlier, it is an all in one operation. It tries to detect all present human faces, extract their rectangle coordinates and more importantly, it outputs the landmarks for each facial feature such as the eyes, bone, nose, mouth, chin, lips, etc. of the target face. We'll use these coordinates later to composite stuff on top of the desired face region. In our case, only the bone region coordinates were actually needed to composite the flower crown. Refer to the PixLab documentation for additional information on the facelandmarks command.

  2. Now for each detected face, perform the following processing operations (We have done with the analysis phase at this stage):

  3. smartresize is called next on line 84 in order to fit the image to be composited (i.e. The flower crown) to the desired dimension such as the bone width of the target face. This is an essential step since the flower crown is quite big at this stage compared to the bone width. The bone width is assumed to be the same as the face width so we use that value. The engine is smart enough to calculate the height for us so we leave the height field untouched.

  4. merge aka composite is the main processing command we calls next. It expects a list of coordinates (X, Y) and a list of images to be composited (i.e. The flower crown) on top of the target region (The bone center in our case). The coordinates were collected on line 97 and passed verbatim to the merge command on line 108. Refer to the PixLab documentation for additional information on the merge command.

  5. Optionally, you may be tempted to use some photo filter commands such as: grayscale, blur, oilpaint, etc. for some cool background effects if desired.

We move now to a more complete example with the famous dog filter.

A More Complex Example

Given a input image:

input faces

and these dog facial parts:

dog parts

available separately:

Output something like this:

output snap

Using this code:

import requests
import json

# Mimic the two famous Snapchat filters: The flower crown & the dog facial parts filter.
# The target image must contain at least one human face. The more faces you got, the more funny it should be!
# Only three commands are actually needed in order to mimic the Snapchat filters:
# face landmarks:         https://pixlab.io/cmd?id=facelandmarks
# smart resize:           https://pixlab.io/cmd?id=smartresize
# merge:                  https://pixlab.io/cmd?id=merge
# rotate (Optionally):    https://pixlab.io/cmd?id=rotate
# meme (Optionally):      https://pixlab.io/cmd?id=meme for Drawing some funny text
# Optionally: blur, grayscale, oilpaint, etc. for cool background effects.

# Target image to composite stuff on. Must contain at least one face.
img = 'https://trekkerscrapbook.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/face-08.jpg'

# The flower crown.
flower = 'http://pixlab.xyz/images/flower_crown.png'

# The dog facial parts: Left & right ears, nose & optionally the tongue
dog_left_ear  = 'http://pixlab.xyz/images/dog_left_ear.png'
dog_right_ear = 'http://pixlab.xyz/images/dog_right_ear.png'
dog_nose      = 'http://pixlab.xyz/images/dog_nose.png'
dog_tongue    = 'http://pixlab.xyz/images/dog_tongue.png'

# Your PixLab API key
key = 'Your_Pixlab_Key'

# If set to True then composite the flower crown. Otherwise, composite the dog stuff.
draw_crown = False

# Resize an image (Dog parts or the flower crown) to fit the face dimension using smartresize.
def smart_resize(img,width,height):
    print ("Resizing filter image...")
    req = requests.get('https://api.pixlab.io/smartresize',params={
        'width': width,
        'height': height
    reply = req.json()
    if reply['status'] != 200:
        print (reply['error'])
        return reply['link'] # Resized image

# First step, Detect & extract the landmarks for each human face present in the image.
req = requests.get('https://api.pixlab.io/facelandmarks',params={
    'img': img,
    'key': key,
reply = req.json()
if reply['status'] != 200:
    print (reply['error'])

total = len(reply['faces']) # Total detected faces
if total < 1:
    print ("No faces were detected..exiting")
print(str(total)+" faces were detected")

# This list contain all the coordinates of the regions where the flower crown or the dog facial parts should be
# Composited on top of the target face later using the `merge` command.
coordinates = []

# Iterate all over the detected faces and make our stuff
for face in reply['faces']:
    # Show the face coordinates 
    print ("Coordinates...")
    cord = face['rectangle']
    print ('twidth: ' + str(cord['width']) + ' height: ' + str(cord['height']) + ' x: ' + str(cord['left']) +' y: ' + str(cord['top']))
    # Show landmarks of interest:
    print ("Landmarks...")
    landmarks = face['landmarks']
    print ("tNose: X: "       + str(landmarks['nose']['x'] )     + ", Y: "+str(landmarks['nose']['y']))
    print ("tBone Center: X: "     + str(landmarks['bone']['center']['x'])     + ", Y: "+str(landmarks['bone']['center']['y']))
    print ("tBone Outer Left: X: " + str(landmarks['bone']['outer_left']['x']) + ", Y: "+str(landmarks['bone']['outer_left']['y']))
    print ("tBone Outer Right: X: "+ str(landmarks['bone']['outer_right']['x'])+ ", Y: "+str(landmarks['bone']['outer_right']['y']))
    #More landmarks on the docs...
    draw_crown = not draw_crown
    if draw_crown:
        # Resize the flower crown to fit the face width
        fit_crown = smart_resize(
            cord['width'] + 20, # Face width
            0 # Let Pixlab decide the best height for this picture
        # Composite the flower crown at the bone center region.
        print ("tCrown flower at: X: " + str(landmarks['bone']['center']['x']) + ", Y: "+str(landmarks['bone']['center']['y']))
           'img': fit_crown, # The resized crown flower
           'x': landmarks['bone']['center']['x'],
           'y': landmarks['bone']['center']['y'] + 5,
           'center':   True,
           'center_y': True
        # Do the dog facial parts using the bone left & right regions and the nose coordinates.
        print ("tDog Facial Parts...")
            'img': smart_resize(dog_left_ear, cord['width']/2,cord['height']/2),
            'x': landmarks['bone']['outer_left']['x'], # Adjust to get optimal effect
            'y': landmarks['bone']['outer_left']['y']  # Adjust to get optimal effect
            'img': smart_resize(dog_right_ear, cord['width']/2,cord['height']/2),
            'x': landmarks['bone']['outer_right']['x'], # Adjust to get optimal effect
            'y': landmarks['bone']['outer_right']['y']  # Adjust to get optimal effect
            'img': smart_resize(dog_nose, cord['width']/2,cord['height']/2),
            'x': landmarks['nose']['x'], # Adjust to get optimal effect
            'y': landmarks['nose']['y'] + 2, # Adjust to get optimal effect
            'center':   True,
            'center_y': True

# Finally, Perform the composite operation
print ("Composite operation...")
req = requests.post('https://api.pixlab.io/merge',
        'src':img, # The target image.
        'cord': coordinates # The coordinates list filled earlier with the resized images (i.e. The flower crown & the dog parts) and regions of interest 
reply = req.json()
if reply['status'] != 200:
    print (reply['error'])
    # Optionally call blur, oilpaint, grayscale,meme for cool background effects..
    print ("Snap Filter Effect: "+ reply['link'])

snapchat_dog_filter.py on Github. PHP/JS code available here.

As you may notice, no matter how complex your filter, the logic is always the same: facelandmarks first, smartresize next and finally merge to generate the filter.

Tip: If you want to download the image output immediately without remote storage, set the Blob parameter to true in your final HTTP request (line 148).

Compositing the flower crown is quite easy to implement. All we have to do is to locate the bone center region of the target face and invoke merge with the X & Y coordinates of that region. Don't forget to set the center & center_y parameters for each entry the merge command takes to True. This will calculate the best position for the filter. The same rule apply to the dog nose except we used the face nose coordinates.

The difficulty here is to find the best location for the left & right ear. The bone left most region is selected for the left ear and we adjusted the Y position for optimal effect. The same rule apply for the right ear. The rotate command can be of particular help here if the target face is inclined to some degree.

One Last Example

Given this woman:

women sample

and this eye mask:


located at. pixlab.xyz/images/eye_mask.png

plus this mustache:


located at. pixlab.xyz/images/mustache.png

Output something like this with some text (i.e. MEME) on the bottom of the image:

women mask

Using this code:

import requests
import json
# Make an eye mask plus a mustache filter and finally draw some text on the bottom of the image.
# Only three commands are actually needed in order to mimic the Snapchat filters:
# face landmarks:         https://pixlab.io/cmd?id=facelandmarks
# smart resize:           https://pixlab.io/cmd?id=smartresize
# merge:                  https://pixlab.io/cmd?id=merge
# rotate (Optionally):    https://pixlab.io/cmd?id=rotate
# meme (Optionally):       https://pixlab.io/cmd?id=meme Draw some funny text
# Optionally: blur, grayscale, oilpaint, etc. for cool background effects.

# Target image to composite stuff on. Must contain at least one face.
img = 'http://pixlab.xyz/images/wm.jpg'

# The eye mask.
eye_mask = 'http://pixlab.xyz/images/eye_mask.png'

# The mustache!
mustache  = 'http://pixlab.xyz/images/mustache.png'

# Your PixLab API key
key = 'My_Pix_Key'

# Resize and image (Eye mask, mustache, etc.) to fit the face dimension using smart resize.
def smart_resize(img,width,height):
    print ("Resizing image...")
    req = requests.get('https://api.pixlab.io/smartresize',params={
        'width': width,
        'height': height
    reply = req.json()
    if reply['status'] != 200:
        print (reply['error'])
        return reply['link'] # Resized image

# First step, Detect & extract the landmarks for each human face present in the image.
req = requests.get('https://api.pixlab.io/facelandmarks',params={
    'img': img,
    'key': key,
reply = req.json()
if reply['status'] != 200:
    print (reply['error'])

total = len(reply['faces']) # Total detected faces
if total < 1:
    print ("No faces were detected..exiting")
print(str(total)+" faces were detected")

# This list contain all the coordinates of the regions where the flower crown or the dog part should be
# Composited on the target image later using the `merge` command.
coordinates = []

# Iterate all over the detected faces and make our stuff
for face in reply['faces']:
    # Show the face coordinates 
    print ("Coordinates...")
    cord = face['rectangle']
    print ('twidth: ' + str(cord['width']) + ' height: ' + str(cord['height']) + ' x: ' + str(cord['left']) +' y: ' + str(cord['top']))
    # Show landmarks of interest:
    print ("Landmarks...")
    landmarks = face['landmarks']
    print ("tNose: X: "       + str(landmarks['nose']['x'] )     + ", Y: "+str(landmarks['nose']['y']))
    print ("tTop Lip: X: "    + str(landmarks['top_lip']['x'])   + ", Y: "+str(landmarks['top_lip']['y']))
    print ("tChin: X: "       + str(landmarks['chin']['x'])      + ", Y: "+str(landmarks['chin']['y']))
    print ("tEye Pupil Left: X: " + str(landmarks['eye']['pupil_left']['x']) + ", Y: "+str(landmarks['eye']['pupil_left']['y']))
    print ("tEye Pupil Right: X: " + str(landmarks['eye']['pupil_right']['x']) + ", Y: "+str(landmarks['eye']['pupil_right']['y']))
    print ("tEye Left Outer: X: " + str(landmarks['eye']['left_outer']['x']) + ", Y: "+str(landmarks['eye']['left_outer']['y']))
    print ("tEye Right Outer: X: " + str(landmarks['eye']['right_outer']['x']) + ", Y: "+str(landmarks['eye']['right_outer']['y']))
    # More landmarks on the docs...
    # Do the mustache using the top lip coordinates.
    print ("tMustache...")
        'img': smart_resize(mustache, cord['width']/2,0),
        'x': landmarks['top_lip']['x'], # Adjust to get optimal effect
        'y': landmarks['top_lip']['y'] - 50,  # Adjust to get optimal effect
        'center': True # Composite at the center of the X point.
    # Do the eye mask using the top lip coordinates.
    print ("tEye Mask...")
        'img': smart_resize(eye_mask, cord['width'],0),
        'x': landmarks['bone']['center']['x'], # Adjust to get optimal effect
        'y': landmarks['eye']['left_brow_inner']['y'],  # Adjust to get optimal effect
        'center': True, # Composite at the center of the X point.
        'center_y': True # Composite at the center of the Y point.

# Finally, Perform the composite operation when we exit the loop
print ("Composite operation...")
req = requests.post('https://api.pixlab.io/merge',
        'src':img, # The target image.
        'cord': coordinates # The coordinates list filled earlier with the composited images & regions of interest 
reply = req.json()
if reply['status'] != 200:
    print (reply['error'])
    snap = reply['link'];
    # Snap created, let's draw some MEME at the bottom of the pic.
    req = requests.get('http://api.pixlab.io/meme',params={
        'img': snap,
        'bottom': 'sounds good?',
        'cap':True, # Capitalize text,
        'strokecolor': 'black',
    reply = req.json()
    if reply['status'] != 200:
        print (reply['error'])
        print ("Snap Filter + Meme: "+ reply['link'])

snapchat_eye_mask_mustache_meme_filter.py on Github. PHP/JS code available here.

Note how smartresize is of particular help here. If we did not rely on it, the mustache and the eye mask would occupy the entire face instead of a small region. When called, the PixLab engine should calculate the best output dimension for us, all we have to do is to pass the desired width and the height will be automatically adjusted for us (or vise versa).

We also called the meme command for the first time to draw some text on the bottom of the image. This command is so flexible that you can supply font name, size & colors, stroke width & height, etc. Take a look at the meme documentation for additional information.

Making Your Own Stuff

You may be tempted to execute the code listed above and see it in action. All you have to do is put your own API key instead of the dummy one. If you don't have a key, you may generate one from your PixLab dashboard (We do offers free trials right now so you don't have to pay anything). If you don't have a PixLab account, sign up here.

If you want to test immediately, you are invited to use my own key. It is an enterprise class one, you can use it for other purposes such ocr, image tagging, screen capture, nsfw detection and so forth and it will expire in a week or so:

My API Key: 33fea245683ae1b56e0e47403d466.

Sorry, you come too late, that key is already expired now but why not generate your own API Key from the PixLab dashboard.

You are invited to take a look at the Github sample page for dozen of the others interesting samples in action such as censoring images based on their nsfw score, blurring human faces, making gifs, encrypting images, etc. All of them are documented on the PixLab sample page.


As we saw, making Snpachat filters is a two step operation. The analysis phase is always the first pass but also the most complicated. For each detected face in the image or video frame, extract and record the facial landmarks for that face. Most filters require a tiny set of landmarks if not one like the bone region for the flower crown filter. We saw that few open source software libraries are capable of doing face detection and landmarks extraction at the same time except Dlib and the future Symisc SoD but alternatives are always possible.

Once you have the facial landmarks, most of the complicated work is done. We can start the processing phase which is a relatively cheap composite operation. All we have to do is to superpose the target filter on top of the desired region of the face. We saw that GPUImage and MagickWand are potential candidate for our image processing tasks.

Our proposed solution is to rely on the PixLab Restful APIs for this kind of task since it is capable of media analysis & processing at the same time and it avoid us all the hassle of integrating the necessary libraries needed to perform such a work. A simple HTTP request from any programming language to the target commands:

  • facelandmarks for facial landmarks extraction.
  • smartresize to fit the target filter to the desired dimension such as the face width for the flower crown case.
  • merge to superpose the target filter on top of the desired facial region.
  • Optionally, grayscale, meme, oilpaint, etc. for some background effect if desired.
  • Et Voila! you're done.

Since we work at Symisc Systems, the company sponsoring the development of PixLab, we really believe that PixLab is a superior & elegant alternative to your media analysis & processing tasks and you are invited to take a look at the introduction course to see it in action.

Finally, if you have any suggestions or critics, your can email the authors directly or leave a comment below.

Mrad Chams Eddine - Senior Software Engineer - chm@symisc.net.
Vincent Garnier - Computer Vision Engineer - vgr@symisc.net.

Author: PixLab

Machine Vision & Media Processing APIs & SDKs