Developed by our colleague Mrad Chams from Symisc Systems and entirely powered by the PixLab OCR API endpoint.
Talkie OCR - A state-of-the-art OCR scanner that practically turn almost any images with human readable characters into text content which is in turn transformed into human voice in your native language & accent. Built in features includes:
- Automatically Recognize the Input Language & Speaks your Accent: Once the scanned image (Book page, magazine, journal, scientific paper, etc.) recognized & transformed into text content, you'll be able to playback that text in your local accent & over 45 languages of your choice!
- State of the art OCR processing algorithm powered by PixLab.
- Speaks over 45 languages with their accents.
- Built-in translation service to over 30 foreign languages of your choice.
- Built-in Vision Impaired Mode with the ability to recognize the input language automatically.
- Playback Pause & Resume at Request.
- Offline Save for Later Read & Playback.
- App Store Link:
- Play Store Link:
- App Website: