Automatically Filter Image Uploads According to their NSFW Score

Our colleague Vincent just published an interesting blog post on on how to automatically filter images uploads (GIF included) according to their NSFW score via the PixLab NSFW API endpoint and apply a blur filter if adult, nudity or gory details is detected. Find out more information via the following links:

ASCII ART Camera Effect Model Now Available on the Unity Asset Store

The PixLab development team is thrilled to announce the immediate availability of the ASCII ART Camera Model in the Unity Asset Store!

ASCII Camera let you transform your input camera stream, video frames or static images/textures into ASCII glyphs & printable characters at real-time.

ASCII Camera Effect

Real-Time performance (even on low end Android devices) of the ASCII Camera asset is achieved via pixel intensity comparison inside internal nodes of a single decision tree. The Unity implementation is based on this paper.

ASCII Camera in the Asset Store

Finally, the ASCII Camera documentation, demo & source code are available via the following links:

PixLab on Social Media Platforms

Follow PixLab on social media to keep up-to-date with the latest company news, research highlights and benefit from a range of useful resources including (but not limited to) our brand new API services such the state-of-the-art Passports & ID Cards scanning API, the new facial recognition engine which achieve 99.8% success ratio and many more API endpoints for building intelligent applications.

PixLab Logo

Don't forget! You can instantly reach our support team via the PixLab dashboard and we always guaranty a response in 48 business hours timeframe for your integration and support assistance!

Full Scan Support for India Aadhar ID Card

The PixLab OCR team is pleased to announce that is now fully support scanning India Aadhar ID Cards besides Malaysia (MyKad) and Singapore identity cards as well governments issued Passports from all over the world via the /docscan API endpoint.

When invoked, the /docscan API endpoint shall Extract (crop) any detected face and transform the raw Aadhar ID card content such as holder name, gender, date of birth, ID number, etc. into a JSON object ready to be consumed by your app.

Below, a typical output result of the /docscan API endpoint for a Aadhar ID card input sample:

Input Aadhar ID Card

ID card specimen

Extracted Aadhar Card Fields

extracted fields

The same API call applies for Passports as well different ID cards from supported countries (you just specify the country name or ISO code):

Input Passport Specimen

Passport Specimen

Extracted MRZ Fields

MRZ Fields

The code samples used to achieve such result are available to consult via the following Github links:

Face extraction is automatically performed using the /facedetect API endpoint. If you are dealing with PDF documents, you can convert them at first to raw images via the /pdftoimg endpoint.

Finally, the official endpoint documentation is available to consult at and a set of working samples in various programming language are available at the PixLab samples pages.

SOD CV/ML Library 1.1.8 Released

The PixLab development team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of the 1.1.8 release of our Embedded Computer Vision & Machine Learning library SOD.

SOD Face detection

SOD is an embedded, modern, cross-platform, computer vision and machine learning C/C++ library that expose a set of APIs for deep-learning, advanced media analysis & processing including real-time, multi-class object detection and model training on embedded systems with limited computational resource and IoT devices. At PixLab, we believe SOD is:

  • Suitable for deep learning on limited computational resource, embedded systems and IoT devices.
  • Easy to integrate with existing code bases. Interpolatable with OpenCV and/or any other proprietary API.

SOD is shipped with a real-time face detection & tracking model (download link) that has been ported to Unity, Unreal Engine and WebAssembly.

Finally, you can find out more information about the SOD project via the following links:

Full Scan Support for Malaysia and Singapore ID Cards

The PixLab OCR team is pleased to announce that it fully support now scanning ID cards from Malaysia (MyKad), Singapore, India Aadhaar, Emirates (UAE) ID & GCC Residence Card, US Driver's License, as well governments issued Passports from all over the world via the /docscan API endpoint.

Besides its robust text scanning features, the /docscan API endpoint shall Extract (crop) any detected face and transform the extracted text content such as ID card fields (name, ID number, address, etc.) or Passport Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) into JSON object fields ready to be consumed by your code.

Below, a typical output result of the /docscan endpoint for a Malaysian ID card (MyKad) input image:

Input ID card Specimen

ID card specimen

Extracted ID Card Fields

extracted fields

The same applies for Passports:

Input Passport Specimen

Passport Specimen

Extracted MRZ Fields

MRZ Fields

The code samples used to achieve such result are available to consult via the following Github links:

Face extraction is automatically performed using the /facedetect API endpoint. If you are dealing with PDF documents, you can convert them at first to raw images via the /pdftoimg endpoint.

Finally, the official endpoint documentation is available to consult at and a set of working samples in various programming language are available at the PixLab samples pages.

Porting a Face Detector Written in C to WebAssembly

This article share the technique used by PixLab to port the real-time face detection runtime written in pure C of the SOD Computer Vision library to WebAssembly to achieve real-time face detection on the browser.

The final result including the WASM binary, face model and the exported Javascript interfaces are available to download here and ready to be integrated into existing projects in-need for real-time face detection in the browser.

The full article is available to consult here.


Milestone Reached for the PixLab NSFW API Endpoint

The PixLab Computer Vision team is pleased to announce that a milestone have been reached for the Not Safe For Work API endpoint. Over the course of the last 12 months, the /nsfw API endpoint have already analyzed millions of our user's media files with high accuracy.

For those not familiar with this endpoint. /nsfw let you detect not suitable for work (i.e. nudity & adult) content in a given image or video frame. NSFW is of particular interest, if mixed with some media processing API endpoints like /blur, /encrypt or /mogrify to censor images on the fly according to their nsfw score.

A typical blurred image with a high NSFW score should look like the following:

blurred image

To obtain such image result, two endpoints were actually used:

  • /NSFW is the analysis endpoint that must be called first. It does perform nudity & adult content detection and return a score value between 0..1. The more this value approaches 1, the more your picture/frame is highly nsfw.
  • /blur is called later only if the nsfw score value returned earlier is greater than certain threshold. In our case, it is set to 0.5.

The Python code below was used to generate the blurred picture programmatically without any human intervention. This can help you automate things such as verifying user's uploads:

import requests
import json

# Target Image: Change to any link (Possibly adult) you want or switch to POST if you want to upload your image directly, refer to the sample set for more info.
img = '' 
# Your PixLab key
key = 'Pixlab_Key'

# Censor an image according to its NSFW score
req = requests.get('',params={'img':img,'key':key})
reply = req.json()
if reply['status'] != 200:
    print (reply['error'])
elif reply['score'] < 0.5 :
    print ("No adult content were detected on this picture")
    # Highly NSFW picture
    print ("Censoring NSFW picture...")
    # Call blur with the highest possible radius and sigma
    req = requests.get('',params={'img':img,'key':key,'rad':50,'sig':30})
    reply = req.json()
    if reply['status'] != 200:
        print (reply['error'])
        print ("Censored image: "+ reply['link'])

Finally, the official endpoint documentation is available to consult at and a set of working samples in various programming language are available at the PixLab samples pages.

Face Emotion now predict the Age and Gender of the target face

Good news for PixLab customers!

The /facemotion endpoint now besides outputting the rectangle coordinates for each detected human face, you'll be able to accurately extract their gender, age and emotion pattern via their facial shapes in just a matter of few milliseconds thanks to our newly deployed machine learning models hosted on OVH and AWS instances simultaneously for worldwide availability.

face emotion, gender and age

Below a Python sample to show you how easy is to predict the Age and Gender of any human face.

import requests
import json

# Detect all human faces present in a given image and try to guess their age, gender and emotion state via their facial shapes

# Target image: Feel free to change to whatever image holding as many human faces as you want
img = ''

req = requests.get('',params={
    'img': img,
reply = req.json()
if reply['status'] != 200:
    print (reply['error'])

total = len(reply['faces']) # Total detected faces
print(str(total)+" faces were detected")
# Extract each face now 
for face in reply['faces']:
    cord = face['rectangle']
    print ('Face coordinate: width: ' + str(cord['width']) + ' height: ' + str(cord['height']) + ' x: ' + str(cord['left']) +' y: ' + str(cord['top']))
    # Guess emotion
    for emotion in face['emotion']:
        if emotion['score'] > 0.5:
            print ("Emotion - "+emotion['state']+': '+str(emotion['score']))
    # Grab the age and gender
    print ("Age ~: " + str(face['age']))
    print ("Gender: " + str(face['gender']))

You can visit the PixLab Github repository for additional code samples in various programming languages including PHP and Java.